ChilDren Singing Peace Around the World
an activity of the Children singing peace foundation, a 501 c 3 non profit organization in hawaii, Usa
Algonquin Version
ChilDren Singing Peace Around the World
an activity of the Children singing peace foundation, a 501 c 3 non profit organization in hawaii, Usa
Algonquin Version
Children Singing Peace Around the World
words and music by Dawn L. Ferguson ©2000-2007 ©2007-present CSPF
This Algonquin Version is included on the Volume One CD/DVD.
All rights reserved.
Algonquin Version Lyrics
Algonquin translation and spoken recording contributed by Elder, William Commanda, Keeper of the Seven Fires Prophecy Wampum Belt, Maniwaki, Quebec, 2001.
©2000-present Dawn L Ferguson & CSPF. All rights reserved. 808-333-1043
Children Singing Peace Around the World
©2000 to present Dawn L. Ferguson & CSPF
Algonquin Version Lyrics
Nibakawin (x4)
Ninawint abinojinchsack
Nakamoiang nibakawin. (X2)
Nibakawin mamawi kijojonan
Nibakawin mamawi kidadanan
Oshkinikuik nakamowak nibakawin.
Nibakawin mamawi kidawemananik
Nibakawin mamawi kikanisinnanik
Oshkinikuik Nakamowaknibakawin.
Nibakawin (x4)
Ninawint abinojinchsack
Nakamoiang nibakawin. (X2)
Nibakawin Pindigemakat Owiiawing
Nibakawin Kawintakosinon
Nibakawin Kakina Aking.
Nibakawin (x4)
Ninawint abinojinchsack
Nakamoiang nibakawin. (X2)
Children Singing Peace Around the World
English ©2000 to present Dawn L. Ferguson & CSPF
English Lyrics
Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace
We are children singing peace. (x2)
Peace with the mother
Peace with the father
Children singing peace.
Peace with our sisters
Peace with our brothers
Children singing peace.
Peace, peace, peace, peace
We are children singing peace.(X2)
Peace within brings
Peace without and
Peace all over the world.
Peace, peace, peace, peace
We are children singing peace. (X2)